Lowly Birthplace

Just a manger, stable manger;
bed of straw, so soft and warm.
Baby wrapped in swaddling clothes,
fast asleep in sweet repose.
lowly bed, to rest the head …
of Christ the King.

Christ the King lies in a manger;
Cherub gift to all the world.
In a stable all forlorn,
baby Jesus, there was born.
Angels sing, hear joy bells ring –
O’er Bethlehem.

O’er Bethlehem, that star did rest –
the stable now anointed.
Gifts from wise men from the east –
shepherd boys and humbled beasts.
Witnesses all, that they proclaim,
Christ Jesus’ birth.

Christ Jesus’ birth, that special night;
into a world so unprepared.
No inner-room to bear him,
a stable, but to spare him.
God’s dear son, the Chosen one –
and angels sang.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!